Playing with Fireman Sam (amongst lost of other toys!!)
Yah....daddy makes a great trampoline..says Matthew!!
Matthew then decided bouncing on Janet was much more fun..... and then followed this up with a few tickles.....although Matthew def came off worse in the tickling round....
Boing.......!!! tickle tickle!!!
And some more pics...... only at this point Matthew realised how high Daddy could make him fly......... and he loved it!!! (not sure about Dady tho..he looked a bit knackered o the run home last night!!)
So, that all for now!!! we will give the photos a rest now until Christmas....cos there will be lots of photos to go up at that point.
So Graham and I are off to Rothesay for christmas, then France for New Year with his parents which should be great fun. we will go from absolute madness of christmas in Rothesay to relative peace and solitude in France. So no doubt there will be lots of photos of both (especially if i get what i want from Santa for christmas!!)
J & G xxx